My name is Rain Stewart. I am from a small town in South Carolina. I began my outdoor adventures at a very young age while fishing with my mom and dad. I can still remember the thrill and excitement I had once I felt that tug and knew it was time to spring into action!
This Female Hunter Feature is for Rain Stewart. Here we go!
My younger brother and I started off by hunting small game in our backyard. In my teenage years, my dad introduced me to bowhunting, and it has been adventure after adventure from then on.
I have that chest-thumping, heart-beating-out-of-my-chest excitement every time I look down from my climbing stand and see a whitetail within range.
I now have a family of my own, 3 boys and a loving fiancé whom I’ve had the pleasure of introducing to the outdoors as well! We are determined to make memories and pass on family traditions, while also keeping a healthy respect for the outdoors. It is important to us that our boys learn the balance of sport and respect for nature in hopes of raising productive young men for our future.
Enjoying every moment outdoors and being able to capture those moments and share them underneath our social platform Rain Outdoors has been a dream come true.

Why do you hunt?
The excitement is what keeps me always coming back! Having fun as well as being able to spend this time with my family. Learning together and being able to pass on that knowledge.
When was your first hunting or fishing memory, and how old were you?
When I was 5, I was out fishing with my dad, uncles, and grandparents. Just remembering fishing next to my granddad who passed in 2012, to now watching my sons fish with my dad hoping that they’ll always remember just as I did.
What do you love most about spending time outdoors?
Being outdoors was something I was raised with so for me it just feels like home. It comforts me. When I get to go hunting or fishing it gives me a sense of peace. Just simply being outside makes me happy. The excitement of catching a fish or just getting a glimpse of a deer is what keeps that love for it going.
What’s your most memorable fishing experience?
Any time that is spent fishing with my dad, or my fiancé and I taking our sons out fishing. The smile and the joy that my children get from catching a fish will forever be my favorite memory!

Do you have a dream hunting excursion?
My dream hunt is hunting in an African Safari!
What would you say to other women who haven’t tried hunting, fishing, or spending time outdoors yet?
To go for it! You’ll be glad you did! Don’t be afraid. Learn as much as you can and use your resources. The outdoors are waiting on you and so are we! We need you out here so come on!!!
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