What seems like a constant topic of conversation in my house is: where’s the bug spray and how do we get rid of bugs?! We have bug spray in our beach bag, car, kids pack, stocked up in the garage, and bag for the park (you get the point). Bugs here are never ending and call me vain but…sometimes I don’t want to smell like bug spray. Although there are “safer” options when it comes to the chemical part, the smell and residue that I feel remain, is not ideal. With lots of options available to get rid of bugs, it’s good to have options or a backup handy.

Here's How-To Get Rid of Bugs
- Before selecting the best route to protect yourself and get rid of bugs, there are a few things you should consider. How long you will be outside and where you will be? For places that you may not be swarmed, there’s not a lot of standing water, or in other places the buggers like to be, the bug repellant wristbands or wipes may do the trick. There are a lot of great natural wipes that don’t leave you feeling gross. Another option that has been given a bad reputation here: Thermacell. This is because the active ingredient is allethrin which is a toxic chemical. Of course, the amounts Thermacells emit are so menial that the risk of something like West Nile virus is greater, however, it should be noted as an option. Thermacell’s also come in a variety of sizes and even cool lanterns. I love the double functionality.
- If you are hanging outside around the house, there are great bug-repelling plants. While most of these are used in natural sprays, they typically last only a couple of hours. Having them in the yard means longer-lasting insurance against bugs that bite. Citronella is used in many different bug repelling items, but it’s a grass, that you can plant. Other favorites to get rid of bugs include marigolds, lavender, rosemary, basil, sage, and mint. Lavender also looks pretty, smells pretty, and are attract amazing creatures like butterflies to your yard. Basil and mint are also great additions to liven up and add fresh greens to a meal (or drink.)
- Cinnamon oil and lemon eucalyptus are two natural bug repellants with which you can create delicious smelling sprays and rubs. I know, I know, I said I didn’t want sprays. These options leave me thinking of the great outdoors. In addition to being easily attainable and much better for you than the heavy chemical options, cinnamon oil also kills mosquito larvae (as opposed to options that simply repel them away.)
If you are looking to get rid of bugs, use one of the above options if you need a quick bug fix or are at home rather than in the backwoods or swamps that may need stronger bug reinforcements. In that case, you can always stack a natural option on your skin and spray your clothes, and add a Thermacell in the mix as well. Remember if you’re out in the sun that sunscreen would get applied first before any bug repellant. As sunscreen generally needs to be applied sooner than most bug sprays, this is something to keep in mind as well.