When you’re a hunter, this time of year is thick with anticipation as your fall and winter hunting season approaches. We’re all waist-deep in preparation mode, making sure we’ve got the gear we need, the gear we want, we’re physically fit for our hunts, and honing our skills at the range. But there is one thing I know; it’s that when hunting season starts, life doesn’t stop. It would be nice if it did, but laundry still finds a way to pile up and our families still need to be fed. Surprisingly enough, the non-hunting parts of life trigger the most stress for me from October to January!

When we’re being pulled in different directions because we’ve got conflicting interests and demands, it’s only natural that we feel guilt, shame, or anxiety about a messy house and an empty fridge. Instead of allowing those things to steal the joy, you have about the best, but also the busiest, time of year, give yourself some grace.
Here are a few things to help get started this hunting season:
- Set or adjust expectations for yourself: You don’t have to do it all! Think through what is a “need to” and what is a “nice to” for the duration of your hunting season. Focus on getting those necessary things done, the other things can wait for when you have more time and energy to dedicate to them. Ask for help if you need it, too. Don’t hesitate if you need a babysitter, help from your partner with cooking and cleaning, or finally take family members up on their offers to help. (Full disclosure: asking for help is what I’ll be working on this year.)
- Set or adjust expectations for those around you: If you’ve hunted for a couple of years most of your friends and family probably already know that your free time will mostly be spent hunting. But if it’s your first season, you may want to communicate that this fall and winter may be a little different. This will cut down on any possible conflicts or hurt feelings if you’re MIA from parties, commitments, and events.
- Plan ahead: meal planning, freezer meals, and stocking up on hot dogs and frozen pizzas are all great things to do to ensure you’re covered for the days when you “just can’t even” but still need to feed yourself and your family. Scheduling and blocking out times to do the necessities, like grocery shop, laundry, and cleaning the toilets are also a great way to not let your list of tasks become overwhelming if you notice you’re pushing them back again and again. Because who wouldn’t rather take a nap after an early morning hunt?
- Learn this mantra “and that’s ok”: Remember that you’re doing the best you can! One of the best ways to hold on to your sanity when things feel a little out of control is to tell yourself it’s ok. Things will eventually be less busy! This too shall pass.
Read More: Hunting Story: A Rocky Start & Why I Train for Hunting Season
Let’s practice now for this upcoming hunting season:
“I’m having fast food for the fourth time this week, and that’s ok.”
“My kids are having cereal for dinner, and that’s ok.”
“I’m hunting on Thanksgiving but will celebrate with my family on another day that works better for me, and that’s ok.”