I'm a lifelong outdoorswoman and naturalist, and grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia fishing, hunting, hiking and canoeing with my parents. They instilled in me a lasting passion for the natural world and outdoor sports.
I'm trained as a fisheries biologist with a Master of Science degree in Sportfish Management, and I worked in that field for several years. In 2016, I switched career paths and have worked in the hunting and fishing industry ever since.
I'm married to my best friend, who also happens to be my hunting and fishing partner! My husband and I live in east Tennessee surrounded by National Forest and other public lands. We take advantage of the diverse hunting and angling opportunities locally, and have been fortunate to travel all over the US and internationally pursuing different species of fish and game.
Our favorite pursuit is traveling to chase obscure species and strains of salmonids with our flyrods. I am passionate about the connection between hunting and angling and the dinner table. I love to cook regionally inspired meals using fish and game that I harvest myself, or ingredients foraged from nature or gathered from our substantial garden. I have been attempting to break down the walls of stereotypes in hunting and angling for a long time now, and I love bringing new women into the fold!