I have a reputation for being somewhat of a hype girl. I get excited for others and get pleasure from supporting them and lifting them up. One of my friends even gave me an official “Hype Girl” trophy. Still today, I am of the impression that everything worth it (slightly subjective) needs a hype girl – even Miss Pursuit.
Here at Miss Pursuit, we strive to bring you the latest and the greatest outdoor content. A mixology of everything and anything you may need and some things you may just want for fun. We do it because we love the outdoors. But more than that, we love you and want to share them with you. If you love Miss Pursuit as much as we love you, then be her hype girl.
Here’s Why and How to Be a Miss Pursuit Hype Girl
Let’s first find our “why.”
Do you appreciate the content, the creation, the time and energy that it takes to ensure that you have the most stellar outdoor info at your fingertips? Do you want more? Miss Pursuit is driven by more than money. It’s driven by a passion to serve you. When you like something, don’t you talk about it? That is how things get popular. How word spreads about something great. It is through people like you who believe in the cause. Yet, it is more than that. Way more.
By sharing Miss Pursuit, you are spreading good to the people you love. Utilize Miss Pursuit as a way of communication, an act of service. Do you have that one friend who sends you a pair of pants and tells you how great you would look in them? Feels good, right? Or that person at work who knows your interest in [insert point of interest] and introduces you to the right person who can elevate you. In business, we call it a sponsor. In life, we call it a fairy godmother. The more people who take the time to be those people, the more wishes we make come true. Apply that to Miss Pursuit. See a recipe grandma would love? Send it. See a pair of hunting boots cousin Jenny absolutely needs? Send them. What about that outdoor adventure they mentioned they want to take, or the new kind of hunting to try? Maybe it is the new mom who doesn’t know how she will bring her kids into hunting, or the new hunter who needs somewhere to turn to. If you see something that reminds you of someone, send it. Partner it with a, “Hey, was thinking of you…”
You are sure to make a day, illicit a smile, and maybe even start someone with a new hobby. As they say, having light, we pass it on to others.
Whenever something is good, great-really, I try and pump it up. Hype girl status ignite. Not only to share it with others because I want the best for them, but because I truly believe that the brand deserves it. In this day and age, finding something quality is more of an exception than a rule. Miss Pursuit is quality.