Why would anyone kill a zebra? Well…
My number one animal on the African wish list was a Zebra. If you are a hunter, you will understand that there is no explanatio of why you want one animal over another. I received negative feedback that hunting a Zebra is disgusting, it is not for meat, and if I am in awe of something, I should protect it rather than kill it. This was from another hunter.
My flavor of hunting ethics (and we all have our own) is for animals that we can eat, they should be. I do believe in non-meat hunting for coyotes and prairie dogs, in areas where they are a threat to livestock. Having been to South Africa and hunting many places throughout the US and the world, I know not every type of hunting is for everyone. I have certainly felt that way on hunts, but that does not make one form better than another, nor do I feel that when you follow the laws, it is not anyone’s place to verbally attack another’s hunting decisions.

Zebra Facts
There are three living species of Zebra: mountain Zebra, plains Zebra, and Grevy’s Zebra. There are 6 subspecies of plains Zebra. The most plentiful type of Zebra and the Burchell’s Zebra is the one that is most hunted. This Zebra is also the only type bred for food. These animals are known to be both aggressive and wild despite years of captivity. As we hunted Zebra, I also found them to be the most alert, often the first to run and vocalize when they saw people.
Hunting Zebra
In my opinion, the Zebra is one of the most iconic African animals. They are tough and true survivors in the world of predators and prey. Hunting these animals was one of the most difficult I found on my trip. They are intelligent and graced with both speed and good eyesight.
Hunting any animal in Africa increases its value to the people. In South Africa, 50% of the economy is from hunting through tourism, providing jobs, and helping the community of hunters. It also allows these animals to flourish on private farms to potentially be reintroduced into the wild, should space become available.
Eating Zebra
Zebra meat is considered by many as the best-tasting meat. It is high in protein, low in fat, and characterized by a sweet taste. Unfortunately, many places have a stigma about eating Zebra. Many feel they are similar to other equines that they are to not be eaten. Zebra is indeed an exquisite fare.
As an owner of several equines, I was not sure that my desire to take a Zebra would be the same due to my love of animals. But being able to be slightly smarter than one of these majestic beasts on the day that I harvested mine, was my favorite memory of Africa.
Commonly asked questions about zebra hunting:
Can you hunt zebras in Africa?
Hunting zebras in Africa is regulated and subject to specific laws and regulations that vary from country to country. In some African countries, such as Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, controlled and legal hunting of zebras is allowed under certain conditions and permits.
How much does a zebra hunt cost?
The cost of a zebra hunt can vary depending on several factors, including the hunting destination, outfitter fees, trophy fees, duration of the hunt, and additional expenses such as accommodations and transportation. It's advisable to contact reputable hunting outfitters or safari companies that specialize in African big game hunts for accurate and up-to-date pricing information.
Can zebra be hunted?
Yes, zebras can be legally hunted in certain African countries under specific regulations and permits.
Why do they hunt zebras?
Zebras are hunted for various reasons, including trophy hunting, population control, and sustainable wildlife management. Trophy hunting of zebras involves legal hunting practices where hunters pursue zebras to obtain a trophy, typically in the form of a zebra hide or mounted trophy. Population control measures may be necessary in some areas to maintain a balanced ecosystem and prevent overgrazing. Responsible hunting can contribute to conservation efforts and generate revenue for local communities and wildlife conservation initiatives.
Are zebras hard to hunt?
Zebras can present certain challenges when it comes to hunting. They are known for their keen senses, including sharp eyesight and hearing, which make them vigilant and alert to their surroundings. Zebras also tend to inhabit open areas where visibility is high, making it challenging for hunters to approach them undetected. Successful zebra hunting requires skill, patience, and knowledge of their behavior patterns to effectively close the distance and make a clean and ethical shot.