My name is Andrea Rothove. I live in southern MO, just minutes away from Bull Shoals Lake and Norfork Lake. I always wanted to go hunting as a little girl. But, it wasn't until I turned 19 that I was introduced to hunting. After watching my boyfriend shoot a nice mature buck on our second hunt together, I decided to try hunting for myself.
This Female Hunter Feature is for Andrea Rothove. Here we go!

From that point on, all of my hunts have been self-guided, from my very first deer and turkey kill to my first bow and rifle kill. By being self-guided I have gained confidence in myself that I may not have learned otherwise. Bowhunting is my main passion, but I enjoy it all from rifle hunting to bow fishing. I spend many hours shooting my bow. It takes a lot of hard work in the off-season to prepare and maintain our land.
During the months leading up to hunting season, I can be found on our tractor plowing and disking our fields, helping plant food plots & hang tree stands, scouting for deer signs, and checking my Browning Trail Cameras. By being a part of this preparation process, I have a deeper appreciation for hunting and more respect for the animals that I harvest.
After taking some of my girlfriends hunting and bow fishing for the first time, some have told me they preferred learning about hunting from another woman, rather than from a man. With this in mind, I created Huntress View, a place where women can go to gain insight into hunting and shooting from a woman’s point of view. Huntress View is for the experienced huntress or for the woman thinking about hunting for the first time.

I feel that more women will become involved in hunting and the outdoors if they are able to get advice from real women hunters and know what hunting products huntresses are using, and loving! By giving hunting tips and honest feedback on hunting products, I hope to help introduce more women to the outdoors!
Why do you hunt and spend time outdoors?
Hunting and being outdoors are good for the soul and a great way to escape all the troubles in the world. Not only that, hunting has made me more self-confident, knowing that I am able to provide fresh, organic meat for myself and my family. Creating wild game recipes that my family loves is so enjoyable to me as well.
When was your first hunting trip or fishing trip, and how old were you?
I didn’t actually begin hunting until I was 19. As a young girl, however, my dad would take me fishing a lot on our family’s old farm in Oklahoma where my grandfather grew up. We would catch bass and catfish out of the creek there, using grasshoppers for bait. It is one of my favorite memories of growing up!
What do you like most about hunting and spending time outdoors?
I have always loved being able to hunt on my own knowing that I don’t need help from anyone else in order to have a successful hunt. Creating my own wild game recipes has recently become something that I really enjoy doing and look forward to just as much as the hunt itself. The hunt is just one day, But, the number of meals that you can get from it lasts a lot longer!
What’s your most memorable hunting experience?
Each successful hunt is so memorable and something that I will never forget the details of. But, probably one of my favorite hunting experiences is a women’s only waterfowl hunt a few years ago with Cajun Bradley and Cortnie Peters, both on the Huntress View team and our friend Haley Hernandez. Waterfowl hunting isn’t new to them, but at the time it definitely was for me. Not only was I super excited to shoot my first goose, but just being in the duck blind with them and somewhat scarring our male hunting guides with our “girly talk” in the blind is one of my favorite memories.
Do you have a favorite wild game recipe?
Yes, I have two that are a close tie for my all-time favorite that I have created. My family absolutely loves both of these recipes, and both have won over even picky eaters who claim not to like wild game.
Baked Jalapeno Cream Cheese Dove Poppers
Do you have a “dream” hunting excursion?
Dove hunting in Argentina has always sounded like a blast to me. Another one that I feel I would really enjoy is hunting Red Stag in New Zealand, and a lot of that has to do with how beautiful I think that country is!

What would you say to other women who haven’t tried hunting or spending time outdoors yet?
I say, even if you think you may not like it, give it a try! You will never know for sure until you do. Since I started hunting at 19, I fell in love with it and have been hooked ever since. I can’t even imagine what my life would be like now, had I not started. I have made a career in the hunting industry and have never been happier.
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