My name is Lindsay Persico. I live in Montana with my three little kiddos and my sweet husband. I stay at home and take care of managing the household and in my spare time I pursue my love of hunting and all aspects of outdoor life. Processing game, hiking, fitness, shooting, fishing, and camping are just some of the interests I find myself enjoying. I started my blog because I wanted to share my love and experiences with others and show the world that a regular girl can be an avid and successful hunter on public land. I am always learning and seeking to grow mentally and physically and I enjoy sharing my lessons and experiences along the way.
This Female Hunter Feature is for Lindsay Persico. Here we go!
Why do you hunt?
For me, hunting is rooted in the core of who I am and makes up the fibers of my being. I know I am here because of the successful hunters in my ancestral past and their passion for the hunt has been passed down to me. It is in my genetics. I feel like I am where I belong when I am in the woods battling wits with the amazing creatures that live there.

When was your first hunting trip, and how old were you?
My father introduced me to wild places when I was just a little girl. I followed him on hunts until I was old enough to hunt myself. The first animal I hunted was a turkey at age 12.
What do you like most about hunting?
For me, hunting is not just the act of pursuing an animal, it is an entire experience. Everything about it goes hand in hand from furthering my understanding of the land to taking an animal and then butchering it and creating a meal from it for my family. No one part is more valuable than another.
What’s your most memorable hunting experience?
It is so difficult to pick out one hunt from another as they are all so different and memorable in their own way. But, I do remember a very special feeling I had when I went whitetail hunting for the first time alone and did every portion of the hunt myself. That whitetail was not a big buck in antler size but he was extra special to me because he marked a level of confidence in my own hunting abilities that I hadn’t yet reached until that day.

Do you have a favorite wild game recipe?
I love trying to create new flavors and recipes with wild game. However, it is honestly hard to beat a plain old butter-seared elk steak in cast iron with just a little salt, pepper, and garlic.
Do you have a “dream” hunting excursion?
I am planning to head to Alaska next year to hunt Caribou which has always been my dream hunt! Someday it would be amazing to see the country of New Zealand and take a Tahr.
What would you say to other women who haven’t tried hunting yet?
Don’t let it intimidate you. It is in your genes to thrive in wild places. Your ancestors did it and you can too. Embrace the challenges and the discomforts. You will learn to value them for the skill and confidence they bring you.
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