Raised in the Midwest and transplanted into northwest Alberta, Steph Brown has been in love with the outdoors for as long as she can remember. From foraging for wild mushrooms since she was just a toddler to hunting alongside her dad and brother later down the road, all aspects of being an outdoorsman were already a way of life. She has an undying love for all things big game. Now married to a big game and waterfowl outfitter, who has been guiding for over 20 years, their life is consumed with all things hunting.
From their business to their personal life, it’s sometimes hard to see the divide. Even date nights are spent scouting new locations, setting stands, hanging cameras, and finding animals for clients. That may sound crazy to some but she wouldn’t have it any other way. The sacrifice is always worth the reward. Living a life fueling the hunting passion for others is a feeling only a few will understand.
This Female Hunter Feature is for Steph Brown. Here we go!

Why do you hunt?
It’s my way of life.
When was your first hunt or fishing trip, and how old were you?
As soon as I was big enough to hold a pole my dad was teaching me to fish. It wasn’t until my twenties that I really took up big game hunting.
What do you like most about hunting and fishing?
Sometimes it's the solitude and clearing of my mind. Other times it's the comradery amongst friends and family and hanging out with other like-minded women in the outdoors!
What’s your most memorable hunting experience?
With so many amazing experiences, it’s impossible to choose just one. Traveling to other continents, hunting on the side of a dormant volcano in Hawaii, spot and stalk hunting big game, shooting my first bull moose on my birthday, and hunting with my dad are all on the top of the list.
Do you have a favorite wild game recipe?
One of my absolute favorite wild game recipes is Venison Sliders! I have an amazing recipe that can be used with any wild game burger you have in the freezer. Venison is the game I have used most often and I love sharing the recipe.

Do you have a “dream” hunting excursion?
I plan to finish my Maui slam (Axis deer, Spanish goat, and wild boar). However, I was never presented with a shot opportunity on a wild boar during my hunt. I would also like to finish my wild turkey grand slam and then go from there. Going to New Zealand one day is definitely on my bucket list.
What would you say to other women who haven’t tried hunting or fishing yet?
You are never too old or too inexperienced to learn something new or try something outside of your comfort zone. There are so many resources now at the tip of your finger that there’s no excuse not to. Find a friend, a family member, or a perfect stranger who is willing to teach you. Lord knows us outdoorsman love to talk hunting and fishing and teaching those things go hand and hand.
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