I remember our first fishing trip with our son, in the heat of summer. As a first-time Mom, my mind ran wild with not only how to keep him safe in the boat, but how to keep him cool in the boat. Four years later, I still am concerned about keeping him cool when we are out fishing.

Here is what has worked for us in keeping kids cool while we're on the boat:
Lots of water. But keep in mind, water can only assist you from heat to a certain point.
As you sweat, your body loses electrolytes. Drinking water alone can’t replace lost electrolytes so it is important to choose a beverage that contains them. Some beverage options are Gatorade, Poweraid, and Coconut water. We use BodyArmor Lyte and if you want to wait to mix your drink, Ultima Electrolyte Mix is great.
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Other cooling beverages:
A couple of other great options are keeping watermelon in a cooler or the Wilderness Athlete Frost Bites. These are frozen pops that contain electrolytes, and our son really enjoys them.
Small Fan
Amazon is full of portable fans that attach by clip or tripod. These little guys can help move air around when the wind just isn’t cooperating.
Read More: Driving a Boat – Tips You Need Now
Boat Umbrella
If you are lucky enough to be out in a pontoon with a canopy, or boat with a canopy – good for you! Finding shade can be difficult on a lake. There are some great options that are portable enough to be carried onto a boat, some even clip! Our choice has been the Sport-Brella Versa-Brella SPF 50+ Adjustable Umbrella with Universal Clamp.
Cool Washcloths
Simple but effective. To go along with this, make sure you bring a cooler with ice to keep them in. Place the cool washcloth on the back of the neck or forehead to keep the body temperature down. Our son also enjoys eating the ice!
Above all, keep an eye on your kids. Signs of heat exhaustion include pale skin, excess sweating, nausea, dizziness, faintness, or weakness. Limit your time out in the sun to a minimum and if your gut feeling is that your child is having trouble, call it a day and head home.