Nikita Dalke was born and raised in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, where she lives currently with her husband and 2 kids. She was raised in a family of hunters but never started hunting until she was 17. She is very passionate about hunting and the outdoors, and raising her kids to be ethical outdoorspeople.
This Female Hunter Feature is for Nikita Dalke. Here we go!

Why do you hunt and spend time outdoors?
I love to spend time outdoors because it calms and relaxes me. Hunting helps fill my freezer and teaches the kids a lot of life skills.
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When was your first hunting memory, and how old were you?
My first hunting memory is hunting with my Nana, I was probably around 7 or 8. My mom, cousin and I went out with Nana and we ended up finding a 4×4 whitetail buck that she was able to kill. I remember plugging my ears waiting for the bang from her rifle while my mom and cousin argued over how many points it had on its antlers. After the shot, I quietly unplugged my ears and jumped up to help Nana with her deer while my mom and cousin sat there silent, shocked.
What do you love most about hunting?
What I love the most about hunting is how connected you feel to nature and how much you learn.
What’s your most memorable hunting experience?
My most memorable hunting experience is when my daughter was finally legal age (10) to hunt and she was able to kill her first big game animal, a black bear that measured over 6 feet, a month after her 10th birthday. She was so excited and so proud of herself.
Do you have a favorite wild game recipe?
I love my recipe Pulled Bear. Here's what I do:
- Cook a bear roast in a slow cooker on low for 6 hours, in a full carton of beef broth and spices (seasoning salt, pepper, garlic).
- When done, pull it out of the slow cooker and place it in a bowl. Start pulling the roast apart.
- Once all shredded, add BBQ sauce and mix until it's all coated. I love it over rice!

Do you have a dream hunting excursion?
I would love to hunt Caribou in the Yukon.
What would you say to other women who haven’t tried hunting spending time outdoors yet?
Get out there and try! Find other women or men that will support you and help you get started. There are lots of companies and programs that you can research to help you gain some knowledge. There is so much more to hunting than the kill, and the only way to find that special connection is to get out there.
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