Sarah Honadel is an avid outdoorswoman who grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, and moved to southeast Idaho in 2017 after several years traveling to and hunting in that area. Growing up, her family enjoyed camping and fishing throughout the summers, but hunting wasn’t part of her life. It wasn’t until she met her boyfriend in 2008 that hunting piqued her interest. In 2009, Sarah went on her first hunt and harvested her first deer, a Kentucky whitetail button buck. With feelings of excitement, regret, and reasoning, she knew hunting was the right path.
In the years that followed, Sarah harvested multiple whitetail deer and Eastern turkeys in Kentucky, and in 2016 was able to notch tags for Idaho elk and mule deer. Since moving to Idaho, Sarah has harvested another elk, several pronghorn antelope and Merriam’s turkeys, a mountain lion, and a cinnamon phase black bear. Sarah is also highly involved with Huntress View, a group that helps support and promote women in the outdoors. She works for BaseMap Hunting and Fishing and is a freelance writer for Drury Outdoors DeerCast.
This Female Hunter Feature is for Sarah Honadel. Here we go!

Why do you hunt?
I started hunting because my boyfriend hunted. But I hunt now because I truly enjoy it for so many reasons. It’s not about killing animals. It challenges me to try new and different things. It tests my skills and teaches me new ones. There are physical benefits of hiking, carrying a pack, and shooting a bow. Plus, the biggest benefit is the meat. We eat everything we kill or catch. It’s cliché but I love knowing where my food comes from, what effort was involved in obtaining it, and that my hands were the only ones to touch it since we do all of our own processing and butchering.
When was your first hunting or fishing trip, and how old were you?
Growing up, I would go fishing with my stepdad but didn’t really pay any attention to it. It wasn’t something I continued to do as I grew up. My first hunt was at 29 years old.
What do you like most about hunting?
I like the different experiences it provides. No two hunts are ever the same. Even if you keep all of the variables that you can control the same, there are so many things that are out of our control that can completely change what happens during a hunt. And each one of these experiences serves as an opportunity to learn something new.
What’s your most memorable hunting experience?
My most memorable hunt is a toss-up between my first Kentucky buck, my first archery elk, and my mountain lion. They were each so unique and provided me with such different hunting experiences.

Do you have a favorite wild game recipe?
My partner and I both love to cook and eat. We enjoy trying new wild game recipes, but my favorite always comes back to fried wild turkey nuggets. I like to fry them in flour or panko crumbs, then toss them in sweet chili sauce. It’s simple but so tasty! There are so many great recipes out there, but I prefer the classics.
Do you have a “dream” hunting excursion?
Mountain goat, and not picky about where!
What would you say to other women who haven’t tried hunting or fishing yet?
If there’s even a slight interest in hunting or fishing…TRY IT! Worst case, you decide it’s not for you. Best case, you’re hooked. Find other women who hunt through social media groups, go on a women’s-only group hunt, or check out local Becoming an Outdoorswoman chapters. When I started hunting, I was always the only girl. I was excited to join Huntress View to have a group of women that I could turn to for advice and share my experiences with. I would guess that most people know at least a few people who hunt or fish. Reach out to them. Most hunters and anglers are eager to teach and mentor others.
Learn more about Sarah Honadel.
Visit Arrow Ridge Creations.
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