Why do people hunt? Why do I shoot those poor innocent animals? Why would I kill something? It all comes down to animal and land conservation. There is a science behind how many species can thrive in a certain area. This is called carry capacity and it’s fascinating to learn.
Biologists and wildlife managers know the formula for growing herds and conserving our land and animal species which allows our animals to truly thrive.
Interested in some of our hunting merchandise? Check it out here.
But wait. All the animals were fine before man came in and started dictating who can hunt, how much, and where right? Yes, and at some point, we didn’t need regulations on car speeds, who can and cannot operate a car, etc. Our population has grown (urbanization) and overhunting is a problem, so hunting has to be regulated and managed.
Do you know what happens when there are too many animals in a certain area? Do you know what happens when there are too many animals and too few resources like water, food, and shelter? The animals start starving… starving to death. It’s not a quick death; it’s a slow, deteriorating death. Anti-hunters ask how you can take the life of an animal. I hear ya, I really do, but if one, two, 10, or 50 deer have to die so the rest of the herd can thrive, I can be the one to give that one, two, 10, or 50 a quick and easy death, I’ll take one for the team.

Hunting provides a natural food source. Why go to Kroger or HEB for meat when I can drop and pick my own meat up from the local meat processor?
Read: Operation Game Thief – 4 Conservation Lessons I Learned
And do not even get me started on anyone who eats meat and cannot grasp the concept of hunting. They literally have cows, chickens, fish, and turkeys slaughtered and murdered (yes, I’ll say murdered and be just as dramatic as “they” are) in disgusting plants. Chickens and cattle are caged up, driven Lord knows how far in extreme temperatures, and taken to slaughterhouses. Seriously, you’re okay with THAT, but not be taking a (hopefully) clean shot on a deer? Get over yourself.
Commonly Asked Questions About “Why Do People Hunt?”
What is the point of hunting?
Hunting serves various purposes, such as obtaining food, managing wildlife populations, and connecting with nature. It can also be a recreational activity, fostering a sense of adventure and skill development.
Why do humans like hunting?
Humans have a historical connection to hunting as a means of survival. Today, hunting may appeal to some due to tradition, the thrill of the chase, and the opportunity to engage with the outdoors.
Why is hunting so peaceful?
Hunting can be peaceful for some because it takes individuals into natural environments away from the noise and stress of modern life. It provides solitude and a deep connection with nature.
Why do people hunt to survive?
In certain situations, people hunt to meet their basic survival needs by procuring food. Historically, this was a primary means of obtaining sustenance before the advent of agriculture and modern food production.
Breathe in calm and breathe out peace. You can't argue with ignorance, but you can be educated and always open to a kind discussion on animal and land conservation.
So, why do people hunt? People hunt to conserve our land. People hunt to conserve our animal populations. People hunt to put food on their family's table.
And, if you're looking for more information on conservation, check out my e-book.