As outdoorsmen, it's our job to show the next generation our ways. Many states hold youth hunts which allow kids to hunt in non-pressured areas. This is a great way to get the next generation out and about with high success rates! However, there are lots of do’s and don'ts when taking out a youth hunter. The last thing anybody wants is for our youth hunters to have a bad experience.
The Do's for Youth Hunters
Practice Shooting Before the Season
Practice truly does make perfect. You can never expect a kid to go out and make great shots if they've never been put in that situation. Taking them out to the range before the season is very important. Not only do you want to take them to the range to get used to their rifle, but to practice all the positions they might encounter in the field. Some examples include: prone with a bipod and prone on a pack, sitting up, and shooting downhill and uphill. Practice the positions that your youth hunter is most comfortable with.
Get Good Gear
Gear is one of the most important things to any hunter, and is even more important to a youth hunter. If they aren't comfortable, it could cause them to not want to hunt again. Going the extra mile to find them good gear is worth it. However, buying top-quality, high-dollar gear for a kid that's going to grow out of it in a year or two can be difficult. My favorite lower-budget youth hunting gear is Under Armour.
Read: Youth Hunting Gear, The Essentials for Young Hunters
Keep Warm
Living in Montana my whole life has taught me something. Everything is better when you're warm enough to do it. There's nothing worse than freezing in the field while hoping that an animal will come out just so you can get back to the nice warm truck.

Bring Snacks
Nobody and I mean nobody will complain about snacks. If you're taking out a youth hunter this year, do yourself and them a favor…get some snacks!
Scout Before the Season
It's important for a youth hunter to have success when they are first getting out in the field. It's what hooks them. So I recommend extra scouting and locating game before the season starts.
Overload Their Packs
If your youth hunter has a pack on, don't make them carry 20lbs of gear. Pain from a pack will deter youth from wanting to do it again. Make sure they have water and some food, but they shouldn't have to leave your side at all, so carry as much as possible by yourself.
Push Them Too Hard
When hunting with a youth hunter, you no longer have only your limits to worry about, but theirs as well. I can almost guarantee that they'll reach their limits before you.
Panic When There is Game
Buck fever is hard to control and even harder to control when your mentor is freaking out, too. The mentor's job is to compose themselves and help the youth hunter compose themselves, as well.
Pick a Rifle They Aren't Comfortable With
If the youth hunter is scared of their rifle, then they will never be successful with it. They don't need to shoot the biggest thing you can put on their shoulder, just something that is effective for whatever game you are hunting. Take them out to the range with multiple different rifles. Don't tell them which is going to kick more or less – that way their mind doesn’t freak them out.