Dove hunting is a popular outdoor activity that combines the thrill of the hunt with the beauty of nature. For me, it marks the beginning of hunting season and fall makes me want to spend time outdoors with friends and family. If you’re considering your first dove hunt, here’s a guide to help you prepare.
Understanding Dove Hunting
Doves are abundant and are a great way to learn how to shoot moving targets. Mourning doves are the most common species Their fast, agile flight patterns can be challenging, providing an exciting fun experience.

Preparing for Your Hunt
Know the Regulations
Before you head out, familiarize yourself with your state's hunting laws. This includes the hunting season dates, bag limits, required licenses, and legal shooting times.
Dove Hunting Gear
12 or 20 gauge is common. You want it to fit you; and you want to be comfortable shouldering it. The first time I dove hunted I borrowed a shotgun and it was way too long and heavy for me. I carried a bruised shoulder for about a week.
Use lightweight loads, typically 7.5 or 8 shot dove load.
Cool Comfortable Clothes
Some people wear light neutral colors and others wear camo shirts; you want to blend, but you don’t have to be head to toe in camo.
Hearing and Eye Protection
Protect your ears. Most of the time it’s sunny so eyes to the sky with no sunglasses can be brutal.
Folding Chair
Make sure it has a pocket or something to hold all your shell casings in.
Misc. Items
Cooler, drinks and snacks, bug spray, and sunscreen are musts.
Scout Locations for Dove Hunts
Doves are attracted to food sources, particularly grains and seeds. Look for fields, freshly plowed spots, or near water sources. Arriving early to scout can help you identify the best spots to set up.

Now, if you have the extra cash to spend, you can also find a dove outfitter. Going out with an experienced guide from an outfit might be a good idea for a first-time dove hunter, as they can help you learn the ropes and typically know the best spots on their property for that time of year.
The Dove Hunt
Set Up Your Area
Create a comfortable spot to wait for doves. Use decoys to attract them, if legal in your state and zone. A comfortable chair and some shade at the edge of fields can make the experience enjoyable.
Patience is Key
Dove hunting often requires waiting. Stay alert, watching for flocks flying overhead. When doves approach, be ready to aim and shoot.
Practice Safe Shooting
Always be aware of your surroundings and other hunters. Follow the basic rules of firearm safety: treat every gun as if it’s loaded, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, and never point a gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
Clean and Prepare Your Game
If you’re successful, you have to know how to properly clean and prepare the doves. This involves plucking feathers, gutting, and cleaning the birds for cooking. I learned an easy way to do this that saves time.

With the bird on its back breast up, separate the feathers and run your fingers up under the breast bone, and pop up and out.
Cooking Your Doves
Doves are so good and can be prepared in various ways. Popular recipes are grilling, frying, or making dove poppers (wrapped in bacon and grilled) one of my favorites! Also, I had dove popper pizza once; it was delicious!